


IN you, Eternal One, I have come to light!…
In you, Eternal One, I have seen the eternal powers at work!…
You have redeemed me from the horrors of hell: – in you I gained knowledge of light from Love!…



Trembling I think of the gloomy day when once I cursed the light because it was not where I sought it; – trembling I look back and see how darkness kept me, a fool, in chains!



You have allowed me to find the hand of the guide; – I have gained the certainty which only knowledge in Love can give! –
You have become for me the fulfilment of my yearning: – you, my living God who is Love
itself! – – –
In you I have awoken to life; – in you darkness has become bright for me! – –
I have recognised myself in you, Eternal One, and in myself I have found you!…
Where is now the voice of hell which previously sought to frighten me? –
Where is the slime of the deep in which I once wallowed?…



And yet – I see many still wandering in darkness, and that which brightens darkness for me: – behold, it remains still strange to them!
They feel their way around in darkness and gropingly seek their path; – they hear me talking of the light, and such talk is to them tidings of deceit!…
Alas! If only they too could soon find fulfilment!
Alas! If only they too could find their way to the light in Love!



But the guide speaks to me:
“Do not concern yourself about those who still dream in darkness!
Their time will also come, and they will find their way to Love!
Give them whatever you can give them now, even if they do not credit you for your gift!
But take care yourself that the light in you is not extinguished again!
Let the light grow in darkness!
Increase its power through deed and work from Love!
In this way you will give the best help to those who are still in darkness!
In this way you will be able to bring the hour of their awakening nearer to them!”

 Book 22 Fulfilment 


With confidence I thank him who instructs me in this way…
I feel the truth of his words in myself…
Indeed: – it is truly foolish to seek to tear others from their dreams if they have not been prepared as yet for their awakening!
They must first want to awaken! –
Then help will be close to them also! – –
Higher than the highest wishes can soar is the fulfilment gained by the seeker who comes to Love!
What he believed to be further from him than all the suns, he will find close by within himself! –
He will gain redemption within his innermost
being! –
He will be given fulfilment within his innermost being! –



In the light he experiences himself as propagation of light; – the inner core of the spirit will be opened up to his spirit!
He will gain certainty of his eternal existence: – the end of these days on earth will no longer be the end of his life!…
He has found a new life within himself which will endure for ever, for it has its origin in eternity!…
Where previously, when he was in darkness, anxious questions sought to lead him astray, now he finds the answer in himself!…
If he only remains in Love for all time, no one can steal his victor’s crown!…



On the last day of his earthly life he will know himself to be in good care…
Led upwards from the valleys of the earth he will find the high realms where the fullness of the spirit reveals itself in spiritual hierarchies. Walking on eternally in that spiritual apparel to be bestowed upon him by the ‘Father’, he will see himself turn from knowledge of light into a new knowledge of light. Eternity is no longer concealed from him by thick veils: – the truth will reveal itself to him even during his earthly existence!…



How could knowledge devoid of Love which darknessgives to its own, ever have revealed to me the colourful richness of the light! – –
Truly: – foolish and poor are all those who still find satisfaction in that apparent knowledge!



My deeds and actions will now become a song of praise to thank you to whom I owe myself! –
To thank you, Eternal One, in words would be too insignificant an expression of thanks! – –
How might words hold within them the solemnity worthy of resounding in thanks to you!



At one with all the choirs of spirits showing themselves to my spirit in Love, I will fulfil myself now in Love!
I have died to everything I once regarded as being my life; – I have found the life of light in Love!…
You transformed me when once I was deep in the depths of darkness; – when I was like an uprooted tree on the ground, you raised me up again! –
In you my roots received fresh nourishment: – in you my branches received blossom and fruit! –
What I sought for vainly in the anxious nights of my
wandering, the seeker has now found in overflowing
abundance! –
All his yearning has now been stilled; – all his longing has been fulfilled! – – –
You have given yourself to him: – you have yourself become his fulfilment! – – –
Events of the first origin are revealed to him in you; – the wisdom of all eternity illuminates his
soul! – – –
In you, Eternal Light, he gained enlightenment! –
In you, Eternal Love, the seeker rose up as one in Love! – – –
In you he will eternally be in the light, – eternally in Love! – – –
I love you, Light of Eternity!…


