Miscellaneous References 

Miscellaneous References



• Saints
- Bô Yin Râ - More Light 172:
Yet almost all of them, except those few whom northern Buddhism knows as the ‘Boddhistavas of mercy’, the older Christian church as its ‘saints’, ‘angels’ and ‘archangels’, – (the later ‘fourteen auxiliary saints’ belong here too!) – strive further upwards from this higher spiritual state.

• Salt of the Earth
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book Of Love, page 71:
Not those who deem themselves ‘holy’ because they slide out of any guilt and responsibility like slithering worms, but those on earth who truly suspect salvation, those who have in every age been the ‘salt of the earth’.–

• Seek and find
- Bô Yin Râ - The High Goal, page 22:

Truly it is much easier to investigate, with the air of an explorer, the external world and even to uncover the most secret of its shafts, sure of winning fame as the discoverer, – than it is to find in oneself one’s innermost which is also well hidden from those who believe that they have explored the soul’s powers for so long that the soul dissolves under their gaze into unreal nothingness.– –
- Bô Yin Râ - On Prayer, page 9:
Yet, according to the ancient account it was also said:
“Seek, and you shall find!”
“Ask, and you shall receive!”
“Knock, and it will be opened unto you!”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• Seraphim
- Bô Yin Râ - The Path To God, page 25:
They – living in the innermost light of the Godhead – truly correspond to the picture human imagination has created of the highest ‘angels’, of the ‘cherubim’ and ‘seraphim’! – – – – –

• Sermon on the Mount
- Bô Yin Râ - The Mystery Of Golgotha, page 120:
Read the Sermon on the Mount and you will learn those general “first practices” which to him appear completely essential. If you are looking for “practices” for those of you who are advanced, then each of his parables speaks volumes, regardless of the fact that he says quite clearly to his actual disciples:

• Serpent of Paradise
- Bô Yin Râ - The Mystery Of Golgotha, page 105:
...because they hope in this way to outwit the world order and learn “to work magic”, – or at least to become as clever as the serpent in Paradise, who, as is well known, knew how to become “like the gods”. Its credulous pupils have evidently not eaten the famous apple “in the right way” and so the lesson did not quite bring the proper results. –

• Serpent
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book On Man, page 43:
The myth of the Garden of Eden has ‘Eve’ tempted by the ‘serpent’, and she in turn tempts ‘Adam’. Although this myth as we know it today may not have been handed down to us in its original form, it nevertheless clearly demonstrates that one initiated in an eternally recurring process, sought to convey to later generations that knowledge, symbolically concealed within an account couched in the language of his times, in as far as his symbolic language would be recognised.

• Seven gateways
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book Of The Royal Art, page 57:
Perhaps very little would correspond to your over-exaggerated conception of the essence of those men who are united with God, were you able to recognise in his earthly apparel any one of us who are called the ‘Masters of the Seven Gateways’ to the godhead!?!

• Sakyamuni (Buddha)
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book Of Love, page 8:
He will also certainly not understand the meaning of that legend telling of the Shakya-Muni, the Indian Buddha. It tells of how one of his enemies drove a raging elephant onto his path. The Enlightened One, to everyone’s astonishment, tamed the beast which, shaking, knelt down before him; for he had confronted it with the powers of love which he carried within himself …

• Skandhas
- Bô Yin Râ - The Mystery Of Golgotha, page 64:
One does not speak for nothing of the “growth” of the soul, for “the soul” is, as I have explained sufficiently in other places, an organism recognisable only to the highest inner senses, formed from countless unities: the “powers of the soul” or the correctly understood “skandhas” of Indian terminology. –

• Sodom
- Bô Yin Râ - Showing The Way, page 88:
A single positive value can outweigh the abundant presence of all mistakes and faults!

Legend tells us that Sodom was destroyed because the sins of thousands made it ripe for annihilation; but for the sake of ‘ten righteous souls’ the whole city would have been spared…

• Son of God
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book On Happiness, page 28:
If you should one day attain supreme knowledge, you will in all certainty think back with deepest shame to those days when it appeared to you to be part of a divine plan that a ‘Son of God’ had to suffer for your actions because you thought this a convenient way to shirk the consequences of your deeds…

• Sons of God
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book On Man, page 42:
The animal form the female pole immediately finds in its ‘fall’, – a form already ‘created’ from spiritual men’s earliest propagation, – compels the masculine pole to covet the same form for itself.

“That the sons of the Gods saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose.” –

• Suffering
- Bô Yin Râ - Bô Yin Râ - Letters To One And Many, page 201:
All suffering must, however, be exposed as an evil grounded within animal nature which must be endured as an inevitability following a set pattern infinitely far removed from all ‘educative’ terms of divine ‘guidance’ – yet as a call upon all man’s powers which can alleviate or eradicate suffering. –

• Sufi
- Bô Yin Râ - More Light, page 132:
One may name as well Lao-Tse, the great Indian and Tibetan religious teachers, the Apostle Paul and the author of the Gospel of John as teachers of true ‘theosophy’, as the genuine ancient Muslim ‘Sufi’ in ancient Persia, imbued with wisdom, or the ‘last Indian prophet’ Ramakrishna, –