Miscellaneous References 

Miscellaneous References




• Ramakrishna
- Bô Yin Râ - Hortus Conclusus, page 65:
In those Asiatic religious systems which have grown in the soil of India, or are influenced by India, the becoming conscious of the eternal is striven for through a kind of internal play of the soul, in which man is simultaneously actor and spectator, by representing within himself his godheads, and by experiencing them with all the weight of his own self-assuredness depending on his nature, as alive and connected with himself, – if not achieving even complete subjective identification, – (think, for example, of Râmakrishna!).

• Reality
- Bô Yin Râ - The Mystery Of Golgotha, page 134:
Truly it is necessary to give witness in ever new images to the truth; truth which is incomprehensible without images and parables, since it is reality, first being of things, source of all life! –

• Redeemer, I know that my redeemer livith
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book Of Love, page 81+82:
only then will he come close to you, and only then you may say in truth:

“I know that my redeemer lives!”

– – of the ‘son’ of man who once could confirm to his disciples that he would be with them ‘until the end of the world’!
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• Reincarnation
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book On The Beyond, page 133:
Thus the doctrine of reincarnation can be seen as having as little application to normal events, as suicide or death in infancy can be seen as the normal conclusion of life of man on earth…

• Rembrandt
- Bô Yin Râ - Letters To One And Many, page 216:
Far from all comparisons of value, my treatises on spiritual matters remind me always of certain drawings by Rembrandt where the intended subject is gradually brought to the fore by countless lines which try to follow the image more and more distinctly.

• Resurrection
- Bô Yin Râ - The Book Of Dialogues, page 63:
However, be not afraid!
Those who before you became free rulers in the realm of the soul will stand at your side; the time before your true ‘resurrection’ will not be wasted, even if it were to take ‘thousands of years’ by human reckoning. –

- Bô Yin Râ - Resurrection, page 8:
There once lived one who received the ‘mission’ from his ‘father’, of whom he said that he was ‘greater’ than him, and he said these words:
“I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live: and whosoever believeth in me shall never die!”